2024 4th International Conference on Intelligent Power and Systems (ICIPS 2024)
Welcome Prof. Yigang He, Wuhan University, China to be the TPC!



Prof. Yigang He, Wuhan University, China

Professor He Yigang is deputy Dean of the School of Electrical Engineering and Automation at Wuhan University and deputy director of the Engineering Research Center for Carbon Neutral Perception and Performance Evaluation at the Ministry of Education.

He is also vice president of Beijing Energy and Environment Society, Vice President of China Energy Society, winner of National Outstanding Youth Fund, New century Outstanding Talents of the Ministry of Education, winner of Huo Yingdong Education Foundation Outstanding Young Teachers Award of the Ministry of Education, National Outstanding scientific and technological worker, and winner of China Industry-University-research Cooperation facilitator. Won the provincial and ministerial level special prize and other 18 science and technology awards.